Coaching Investment Packages

Free "Get Acquainted" Session

1 x 30 minute session

Best for:

  • Deciding if coaching is right for you
  • Experiencing how coaching works 
  • Getting a sense of what working with me is like
  • Deciding next steps

Jump Start Package

6 x 45 minute sessions

Best for: 

  • Establishing priorities/goals and the steps needed to achieve them
  • Maintaining motivation and staying on track
  • Identifying new perspectives and tools
  • Building confidence and resilience 

Empowered Programme

12 x 45 minute sessions

12th session free

Best for: 

  • Changing mindset to focus on positive and decisive action
  • Creating a vision and plan for your future
  • Accountability and maintaining momentum 
  • Addressing complex issues or significant life changes


We all face obstacles on our lives, and we all get stuck sometimes in working out the best way to move forwards with our professional and personal lives. No matter where you are in life, or where you want to get to, a coach can help you to identify and overcome these barriers and help you to reach your full potential.

And coaching can benefit everyone. Just think of your favourite sports team or athlete. Without a doubt they will have a lot of natural talent, but each and every one of them will still have a coach – someone that helps them to focus, develops a plan to move them forwards, and offers them support as they make decisions. Coaching can help you do the same. 

Coaching recognises the client as the expert in their own life and that everything one needs to succeed is already inside them. It’s the job of the coach to help the client discover his/her own creative solutions to find the best way forward. 

We do this by working on a collaborative conversation based approach that provides a safe and supportive environment that allows new perspectives, ideas and solutions to come to light. The coach actively listens to what the client is saying (and not saying) and asks curious and thought provoking questions so that the client can learn more about his/herself. 

Through this approach, clients discover who they are and who they want to become whilst the coach partners with them on this journey to create momentum, growth and positive change. 

Coaching and therapy are quite different. Although they can be complimentary, they have distinct focuses. Therapy seeks to address problems in thought or behaviour, and is mainly focused on the present and the past. Coaching on the other hand is forward looking and focused on creating the best possible future. It looks at where you are starting from and where you want to get to, and works with you to close the gap between your current state and your desired state.